Monday, February 26, 2024

How to over come procrastination

 Overcoming procrastination can be challenging, but here are some strategies that may help:

1. Break tasks into smaller, manageable steps: Sometimes the thought of tackling a large task can be overwhelming, leading to procrastination. Breaking it down into smaller steps can make it feel more achievable.

2. Set specific goals and deadlines: Setting clear goals and deadlines can help create a sense of urgency and motivation to get things done.

3. Use time management techniques: Techniques such as the Pomodoro Technique (working for a set amount of time followed by a short break) can help improve focus and productivity.

4. Minimize distractions: Identify and minimize potential distractions, such as turning off notifications or finding a quiet workspace, to help maintain focus.

5. Find motivation: Remind yourself of the reasons why the task is important and the benefits of completing it. This can help boost motivation and reduce procrastination.

6. Practice self-compassion: Be kind to yourself and recognize that everyone procrastinates at times. Instead of being hard on yourself, focus on taking small steps to move forward.

Remember that overcoming procrastination is a process, and it may take time to develop new habits and strategies that work for you.

Monday, July 4, 2022

How to use Neolife Super Gro

How To Apply GNLD Neolife Super Gro Liquid Organic Fertilizer - Agriculture - Agriculture / How To Apply GNLD Neolife Super Gro Liquid Organic Fertilizer

How To Apply GNLD Neolife Super Gro Liquid Organic Fertilizer 
GNLD Super Gro Applications

The Wonderful Natural Liquid Fertilizer
GNLD Super Gro, Natural Plant Products for Crops and Fish Farming

GNLD Super Gro is a miracle wonder formula that increases harvest for crops, trees, and fish farmers.

It is very easy to use plus it is safe to handle, non-toxic, non-caustic & non-flammable.

Super Gro can be used for all kinds of agricultural crops and trees;

VEGETABLES; Ugwu, Spinach, Cabbage, Carrots, Okra etc.

ROOT CROPS & TUBERS; Yam, Cassava, Cocoyam etc.

FRUITS; Pineapple, Mangoes, Oranges, Pawpaws etc.

GRAINS; Beans, Rice, Maize, Soya Beans, Groundnuts, etc.

Super Gro can also be used to improve the quality in;

FISH FARMING; Catfish, etc. Super Gro improves crop yield by as much as 167% during harvests.

How Does GNLD Super Gro Works?

GNLD’s Super Gro acts as both an adjuvant and a surfactant. On one hand, an adjuvant is an agent designed to aid in substances’ action. On the other hand, surfactants are wetting agents. It may seem contradictory, but water does not always “wet” plants and their roots very well. Thus, often it tends to bead up on the waxy surfaces of plants, lawns and gardens, and before water even has a chance to penetrate, it runs off or evaporates.

GNLD Super Gro helps make water “wetter” by reducing its surface tension in addition to acting as a wetting agent.

GNLD’s Super Gro helps conserve water. It tends to increase the rate at which water penetrates common soils.

As a surfactant, GNLD Super Gro acts as an emulsifier to disperse oils, as a wetting agent to lower surface tension and as a dispersing agent to reduce adhesion between particles of chemicals, so they will spread and remain in solution longer.

More water reaches the roots of the plant and stays there making the plant grow in lesser time!

GNLD Super Gro makes other agricultural treatments a farmer uses (like fertilizer, insecticides and pesticides), perform better by helping them penetrate deeper, stick better, stay longer and work more effectively.


Please note that an average American football field approximately about 1.3 acres and a British or UEFA Football field is approximately about 1.7 acres. So a local football fields in Nigeria may vary approximately from 1 to 2 acres of land. Also,

1 teaspoon is approximately equal to 5ml and 1 tablespoon is approximately equal to 15ml.

How To Use GNLD Super Gro For Crops

Vegetables; Peppers, Onions, Yams, Cocoyams, Soya Beans, Ugwu, Spinach, Cabbage, Carrots, Groundnuts etc.

Add 1ml of Super Gro to 1 liter of water. Agitate gently and spray on the leaves and stem of the plant. Apply every week, two weeks, three weeks or monthly before flowering. Add 20ml of Super Gro to 20 liters of water to spray 1/4 acre of land. Add 200ml of Super Gro to 250 liters of water to spray 1 hectare of land.

Other Things To Note...

After spraying crops with Super Gro, you may see white dots on the plant early in the morning. Do not touch it or worry about it. It attaches solar energy to the plant. Plant your crops in ridges to have a narrow site to walk and spray. After the first spray, spray again with Super Gro every 3 weeks. If you use chemicals to weed your farm, allow the effect of the chemical to wear out first before applying Super Gro i.e. apply Super Gro after four days of using weeding chemicals. If you weed manually with cutlass, pack your weeds and spray your Super Gro the next day.


How To Use GNLD Super Gro For Tree & Cash Crops

Mango, Orange, Oil Palm, Kola nut, Pineapple, Rubber, Cocoa, etc.

Add 1ml of Super Gro to 1litre of water. Agitate gently and spray on the leaves and stem of the plant. Apply every week, two weeks, three weeks or monthly before flowering. Add 20ml of Super Gro to 20 liters of water to spray 1/4 acre of the lawn. Add 200ml of Super Gro to 250 liters of water to spray 1 hectare of the lawn.

For tree crops, a boom sprayer is the best for applying Super Gro. The pressure from a boom sprayer gets more Super Gro onto the crop. If you do not have a boom sprayer, use a watering can but make sure the mouth of the can is not too wide so that your product will not waste. Do try and get a boom sprayer, it is more economical.

How To Use Super Gro For Fish Farming

Catfish, etc. Concrete or mud ponds are most preferable. Fill the pond with water. Estimate the amount of water in the pond and add 1ml of Super Gro for every 10litres of water in the pond and agitate gently. Leave this treated water for 7 to 10days to fertilize the pond then flush away the treated water. Put fresh water and leave in the pond for 5 to 7 days then stock your fish.

Super Gro is very cost effective; you only need 1ml of Super Gro for every 10 liters of water you use in your fish pond. Super Gro promotes the uniform growth of fish. Your fish become bigger and the same size. Super Gro naturally promotes the growth of plankton inside the pond and this not only prevents the death of fish, it prevents the fish from feeding each other. Super Gro also reduces how often you need to change the water in your fish pond because it increases the amount of oxygen dissolving in the pond, reduces ammonia level and maintains the natural water PH in the pond. Super Gro can be used in plastic, mud or concrete ponds. In comparison to using organic manure, Super Gro is more hygienic because it prevents odour and scurrying.

Super Gro is cost effective. You only need 1ml of Super Gro for every 10 liters of water you use in your fish pond.

How To Use Super Gro For Gardening; Indoor Plants & Lawns

Add 20ml of Super Gro to 20 liters of water to spray 1/4 acre of land. Add 200ml of Super Gro to 250 liters of water to spray 1 hectare of land. This same solution will also work for garden and indoor plants. Spray on leaves and stems (as in crop plants). Super Gro can also be used for indoor plants, flower gardens and lawns. Flowers tended with Super Gro bloom faster, are richer, fresher and more appealing to the eyes. They also do not die quickly because they conserve water on their leaves, stems and roots. Indoor plants treated with Super Gro last longer in their vases or flower pots. Lawns nurtured with Super Gro have greener grass and appear richer and more luxurious.

When used together with GNLD Super 10 (a natural insect repellent), will decrease pests in flowers. In one experiment, red spider infestation of roses was decreased by 43%.

When used with fungicides, GNLD Super Gro will reduce early blight in flowers.

Powdery mildew in roses is reduced by as much as 35% when Super Gro is used along with crop treatment, like Super 10.



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Contact: Mr.  Ndubisi wisdom on +2348166256560

(C) NEOLIFE 2022

Sunday, July 3, 2022

Join neolife


Startup Opportunity

NeoLife is redefining the world of Startups, helping entrepreneurs around the world unlock a better way of life.


We manufacture and sell whole food nutrition products. We also help people have success with startups. It's kind of like a tech startup, but with nutrition. There's low barriers to entry because we provide the infrastructure that any successful business needs, as well as consumable products, and a compensation plan. So instead of having to raise hundreds of thousands of nairas to get started, NeoLife makes entrepreneurship accessible to everyone.

  •  Own a Nutrition Startup Business
  •  Earn a Part-Time or Full-Time Income Sharing Good Health
  •  Participate in all the Benefits of the NeoLife Compensation Plan 
  •  Participate in Exciting Incentives like Cash and Travel
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  •  Access to Premier Personal Development & Leadership Training Resources & Events
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Join us today


Startup Opportunity

NeoLife is redefining the world of Startups, helping entrepreneurs around the world unlock a better way of life.


We manufacture and sell whole food nutrition products. We also help people have success with startups. It's kind of like a tech startup, but with nutrition. There's low barriers to entry because we provide the infrastructure that any successful business needs, as well as consumable products, and a compensation plan. So instead of having to raise hundreds of thousands of nairas to get started, NeoLife makes entrepreneurship accessible to everyone.

Friday, March 19, 2021

Even the sermon big ones


Sometimes the Best Way to Solve a Problem Is to Ignore It

Even the seemingly big ones.

Photo by Danil Moiseev on Unsplash

Have you ever noticed the more attention you give to something, the more life you give it, in every way? It expands. Gets bigger, takes up more of your time, energy, and sometimes money. Dominating your existence. You can’t ignore all problems to make them go away, but many you can ignore to reduce output spent.

You can’t ignore a lump under your arm, or credit card debt mounting, or a spouse cheating. You need to schedule that doctor’s appointment, set up that debt repayment plan, or address your relationship and figure out if this is your person, someone who lies to you. Those are problems that, by ignoring them, sweeping them under the rug, only get worse. In some areas, attention is necessary.

Sunday, January 17, 2021

6 Things You can Do To Turn Your Life Around In 2021

6 Things You Can Do To Turn Your Life Around In 12 Months Or Less

Healthy actions that can actually change your life

You can’t change what you not ready to quit.

You are what you repeatedly do. Your habitual behaviours often go unnoticed because you don’t need to engage in self-analysis when undertaking routine tasks.

Many people are just going through life.

Just like that. Passing through. Letting time tick away. Fast. Letting things happen. Letting every day be just like the day before and the day after.

Nothing out of the ordinary. Nothing you read about in history books. Nothing unique. Just average.

Can things be different for you?

Of course, they can.

You just need to start taking control of your life right now!

1. Define your most important role in this world

Who are you? What do you stand for? What do you want to be known for? What standards have you set for yourself?

Figure out who you are and start shaping your reality based on that.

You are YOU. Your challenge in life, in fact, your life’s work, is to become the best possible version of you. Not an imperfect approximation of someone else.

“The one thing that you have that nobody else has is you. Your voice, your mind, your story, your vision. So write and draw and build and play and dance and live as only you can “ says Neil Gaiman, an English author.

Purpose fuels your motivation. What do you look forward to achieving tomorrow, next quarter or in the next five years?

Imagine waking up every day excited for what you’ve set out to accomplish. That passion alone will propel you to the next level.

Raise the bar, crush your goals, and make a dent. It’s not too late!

Many people are living their entire lives without ever standing up and stepping out. But it’s exciting to witness the rare few who dare themselves and step out of their personal bubbles to work on achieving something worthwhile.

Most of us live with the stubborn illusion that we will always have tomorrow to do today’s work. We consistently hold onto this belief and keep procrastinating until work becomes a heavy burden.

Left unchecked, we always default toward a more comfortable path. Your comfortable zone provides a state of mental security. You can understand why it’s so hard to kick your brain out of your comfort zone.

In his book, Outliers: The Story of Success, Malcom Gladwell said: “Outliers are those who have been given opportunities — and who have had the strength and presence of mind to seize them.”

Outliers seize opportunities and run with them. People who realize how little time they have and are driven to make the absolute most of it. Those are the ones who really live the awesome and extraordinary lives. Be an outlier!

2. Master your mindset — its the psychology of success

If you’ve ever failed at reaching any goal in life, the problem could all be in your mind. That’s how important your mindset is. Your mind is your most powerful force.

The stories you tell yourself and the things you believe about yourself can either prevent change from happening or allow new ideas to blossom.

Carol Dweck, Ph.D., widely regarded as one of the world’s leading researchers in the fields of personality, explains in her bookMindset: The New Psychology Of Success, For twenty years, my research has shown that the view you adopt for yourself profoundly affects the way you lead your life. It can determine whether you become the person you want to be and whether you accomplish the things you value.”

When you begin to master your mindset, you will be able to make new healthy choices, embrace a positive outlook in life, commit to your goals and actually get them done.

You will most likely finish what you start and start leading the awesome life you expect and crave. It’s within your reach if you can commit to your dreams, goals and visions.

3. Focus on the most important, highest impact habits

Habit is a better predictor of success. To make lasting change, build a system of healthy habits you can sustain.

The quest to become a better version of yourself often feels like a roller coaster ride. It’s hard. And it’s usually so uneven.

To improve your chances of success, find micro-habits that produce results and keep repeating, measuring and improving them until you arrive. Short-term breakthroughs don’t work. Focus on repeated actions, even if you have to start small to make them sustainable.

“Be patient with yourself. Self-growth is tender; it’s holy ground. There’s no greater investment,” argues Stephen Covey.

“Small steps have no competition in personal development — their unflinching effectiveness embarrasses every other strategy,” writes Stephen Guise.

When you are up for change, you have to start embracing change in small ways. If you want to change your ‘life’ and not be ‘average’ then you have to do something different.

But aim for small, consistent change. Not rapid change.

Small changes that’ll make a big difference. It’s the only way to be successful at habit change.

Self-improvement isn’t a destination.

You’re never done.

Even if you have some success, and you want to maintain it, you have to keep doing the things you were doing that got you that success in the first place.

The idea is to focus on consistent improvements in your life, every day, no matter how small the step you take to be a better you than you were yesterday.

Brett and Kate McKay of The Art of Manliness explain, “Instead of trying to make radical changes in a short amount of time, just make small improvements every day that will gradually lead to the change you want. Each day, just focus on getting 1% better in whatever it is you’re trying to improve. That’s it. Just 1%.”

Most people want rapid and radical progress — they look for huge wins. But big wins happen rarely. Working on small things consistently is what delivers results and improvement.

Small but sustainable habits won’t break you.

4. Make your mornings easier and better

Take 20 minutes each night to make your mornings easier. Plan your to-do for the next day before the day ends. Prep coffee. Pick out your clothes.

You’ve heard it all before but you’ve heard it all before for a reason. It works! Put them into practice and witness the miracle morning.

Your evening ritual determines the success of your morning routine.

Everything you do just before you go to bed has a lot to do with the time you will be able to wake up without struggle.

The time before you go to bed is an ideal time to prepare yourself for the morning. Hal Elrod writes in his popular book, Miracle Morning:

“How you wake up each day and your morning routine (or lack thereof) dramatically affects your levels of success in every single area of your life. Focused, productive, successful mornings generate focused, productive, successful days — which inevitably create a successful life”

A productive morning is created consciously. You have to work at it. It’s difficult to maintain consistency but to make it work, it takes insane discipline and commitment.

5. Stop doing what average people do

Cut off time-wasting mental addictions like the endless social media scrolling. Get rid of the addiction, not the useful tools. Successful people focus on personal development, life-long learning and building relationships that add value to their lives now and in the future.

Daniel Kahneman, the author of the bestselling book Thinking, Fast and Slow, once said, “Optimistic people play a disproportionate role in shaping our lives. Their decisions make a difference; they are inventors, entrepreneurs, political and military leaders — not average people. They got to where they are by seeking challenges and taking risks.”

Cultivate relationships that challenge you to become a better version of yourself. People who are above average take action despite fear and uncertainty. The easiest way to be average is to follow the crowd. It’s far easiest to be great in a smaller pool. You don’t want that.

Go places where you know you will be at a disadvantage and demand more of yourself. Step outside the line. Find out what works for superior performers — Watch, read, listen, and analyse what they’re doing differently than you.

The secret to success lies in the very thing you’re avoiding. Those things that seem to break you down and humble your spirit.

Seek out discomfort. Be deliberate about doing things that push your limits magnificently. Difficulty helps us to grow. If you want long-term success, stop avoiding what’s hard, and embrace it now. If you’re truly pushing yourself to improve — in any capacity whatsoever — you are uncomfortable.

Andrew Carnegie once said The average person puts only 25% of his energy and ability into his work. The world takes off its hat to those who put in more than 50% of their capacity, and stands on its head for those few and far between souls who devote 100%.”

Devotion to the right things is the difference between those who are living a complete, meaningful life and those who are just reacting to what others require of them.

6. Find your boundary, then push it!

Knowing what you’re going for is what will align your focus and skill. Pick a target and move towards it no matter the obstacles. Aim to push boundaries. Break your own records.

Tackle the fear that has kept you from living your best life. Your mind has a way of rising to the occasion. Challenge it, and it will reward you.

Be good at making time for what matters to you — especially when you don’t feel like it. The fastest way to stop being average is to recognise the possibilities of living with courage and taking action right now in the direction of your dreams. Give yourself permission to pursue what’s important to you.

Rain sums it up perfectly“The biggest competition is myself. I am not looking to follow others or pull them down. I’m planning to test my own boundaries.”

Don’t just talk about wanting to do things or try a thousand different things and then abandon them. Make something stick.

Become a master at them. Evita Peron once said, “My biggest fear in life is to be forgotten.” No one ever came to this planet to take a back seat, play second fiddle or make it small. Push the impossible.

Life is short. Your time here is so freaking valuable but limited. Do more of what brings out the best in you.

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Sunday, December 27, 2020

Change your habit change your life

30 Habits (You Can Build in Less Than 10 Minutes a Day) That Have A Huge Return On Life
Powerful actions that can be applied in your life in a few minutes every day or week

Radical change is hard. Really hard.
Improving your life doesn’t have to be about making huge changes or taking one massive leap. Those kinds of changes don’t last. Ndubisi wisdom
What works is something you can consistently do that can easily become a habit — small changes or tiny actions that still have a huge impact on all areas of your life.
Below are some simple but powerful actions that can be applied in your life in a few minutes every day or week. Each one is worth remembering as you schedule your calendar and choose what to do with your time every day.
“We become what we want to be by consistently being what we want to become each day.” ― Richard G. Scott
Progress is a huge motivator — sound yourself with a “done list”. Relish your progress and keep adding to it.
Time, not money, is your most valuable asset — defend it like your life depends on it because it does. Invest it wisely.
Don’t over-plan and under-act! By all means, make plans but your focus should be on taking actions daily to get closer to the big picture.
Don’t invest in a career. Build a life — a life you will be proud of. Take your passion projects and dreams seriously. Make time for what you care about.

“Make the most of yourself….for that is all there is of you.”― Ralph Waldo Emerson

If you commit to nothing, you’ll be distracted by everything. To make real progress feed your focus and starve your distractions. Your progress depends on it.
Pay yourself first: save or invest just 5% of what you earn — your future self will thank you for it.
Open an investment account and automatically transfer the 5% of what you earn into it every month. That’s how you build wealth over time.
Worry is a waste of time; it’s a misuse of your imagination — if you must worry do it on paper. Get a journal.

“No matter who you are, no matter what you did, no matter where you’ve come from, you can always change, become a better version of yourself.”― Madonna

The real-world rewards those who get stuff done — choose deep work over busy work every time. That’s how you get real work done.
Create a morning routine that works for you — it can lead to greater sanity and happiness, and you can achieve your goals faster.
Choose to do more hyper-productive activities that produce the biggest results. Those should be on your to-do list every morning.
Set goals you can actually accomplish — Audacious goals don’t work. Build a personal framework for achieving your realistic goals.

“Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.” ― Jim Rohn

Write things out — keeping a journal is one of the most effective ways to relieve stress due to its meditative and reflective effects.
Don’t start an exercise habit you can’t sustain — find a type of exercise you love, and do it as often as you can, even if that means doing it for just 5 or 10 minutes every day.
Want a better relationship? Spend more time celebrating the good things, complementing their efforts and less time criticising them.

“We first make our habits, then our habits make us.”― John Dryden

Take a casual walk — A quiet, meditative stroll can do wonders for stress relief. Don’t rush it.
Improve the quality of your sleep — reduce caffeine, avoid electronic device and noise a few hours before bed.
A lack of sleep weakens your immune system, harms your productivity, and makes it harder to be happy.
Be grateful for everything good in your life — you’d be smarter to spend more time appreciating the good things you already have.
“Grateful souls focus on the happiness and abundance present in their lives and this in turn attracts more abundance and joy towards them.”― Stephen Richards
Don’t waste time on things you can’t change — focus on what you can control (your habits, routine and behaviours) and improve them instead.
Pick up a new hobby that makes you happy and find time for it — you could do that just before you start work or after work.
Read a book that will change your life — choose books you love or books you can consistently read every day. Even if you read a single page every day you will still make progress.
Celebrate your wins —even little celebrations for small wins make a huge difference in motivation for even the toughest tasks.
“Employ your time in improving yourself by other men’s writings so that you shall come easily by what others have laboured hard for.” Socrates
Set meaningful goals — it’s one of the best ways to instantly improve your life. Focus on goals that have deep-rooted significance in your life.
Load good habits into the front part of your day and execute them consistently. That’s how you create empowering mornings.
Get a happiness journal and jot down everything in life that makes you happy, no matter how simple it is, and make time for them. And make sure you do at least one of them every day for the next 100 days.
Embrace life-learning — find something you can learn today that will pay off in five or ten years. It can be a skill to improve your career.

“Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune.” ― Jim Rohn

Think deeply about the simple things in life — what makes you think, what makes you frustrated, anxious and stressed and why you feel certain emotions. Pay attention to your behaviour.
Be open to new possibilities — keep a growth mindset and maintain an open mind. Avoid rigidity of mind and embrace the fluidity to grow as a person.
Surround yourself with people who bring out the best in you — your happiness largely depends upon the people around you.
Change isn’t impossible. Little changes every day add up to big results over time. Practice these habits to become a better version of yourself and in a few months, you will build the life you want.

Friday, December 25, 2020

You understand that your job can't make you Rich

5 Signs You Might Become Wealthier in the Future.

I told this story in my book. Roughly six months before I broke the income barrier I needed to pave the path to quitting my full-time job, I was dead broke. A weekend of buying my kid a few fish and going to Chik Fil a put my account in the negative.
Even though my side hustles were bringing in money, I had bills up the you know what. Don’t care if it’s politically incorrect. For me, as a man, it felt horrible to feel like I couldn’t take care of my family.
Throughout the process of building my career from having to live with my pregnant partner’s parents to having $10,000 months on auto-pilot, I always knew one thing for certain:
I wasn’t going to spend the rest of my life being broke.
I’d die first. Literally, I knew in my heart I would die before giving up.
I didn’t want to live out the statistics you often see:
Only 40 percent of Americans can afford a $1,000 emergency
The median retirement savings is a mere $62,000 for people ages 60–69
The average net worth of a 30-year-old is negative.
I don’t look down on people for not having money. In many ways, their lot in life isn’t their fault at all.
Society is set up for you to fail. Without question, the game is rigged. Sometimes I think people don’t think I agree with them on that. I do.
You have to escape this fate, make no mistake about it.
Let’s take a look at some of the signs you have a fighting chance to do so.
You Hate Being Brook

“Complaining about your current position in life is worthless. Have a spine and do something about it instead.” — Robert Kiyosaki

Nobody likes being broke.

But in order to do the work it takes to become financially flexible, you have to hate being broke.
The only people who hate being broke but don’t find their way out are the truly destitute. Middle-class people? They just don’t want it bad enough. They don’t hate the stress of living paycheck to paycheck enough to do anything about it.
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve projected out a future where I didn’t have money and it scared me on a visceral level. Honestly, I was more afraid of being broke than I was inspired to make money.
Why? Because being broke is stressful.
I’d have fights with my partner about money, stress about situations like the story I started the post with, and I just observed people who were struggling to get by and I couldn’t fathom living the rest of my life like that.
You almost have to have a sense that being broke is beneath you, even though, of course, there’s nothing wrong with being broke.
I remember working as a manager at a video store for $10/hr. I’d go get tacos and Taco John’s. The sign on the door said “hiring…$11/hr.” I put in all this work to make less than someone making god damned tacos. Nope. Not me. Not forever.
I used to listen to the book, Rich Dad Poor Dad, on repeat when I had to put on the signs for the featured movies out in the parking lot. Plotting. Patient. One day, I wouldn’t be broke.
Now? I’m not rich, but I’m no longer broke. And it was worth all the work.
Let everyone else be content. You? Get pissed. Use that frustration to your advantage so you don’t quit.
You Understand That a Job Won’t Make You Rich
Earn with your mind, not your time. — Naval Ravikant
Even if you have a job right now (which is the smart thing to do while you build your side hustle), you know that it’s impossible to have real financial flexibility and wealth with a job alone.
You’re putting your energy into something you can scale, something with leverage, something that can provide income for you without your direct work:
Intellectual property, e.g., books
A business with employees
Real estate
Media and technology, e.g., YouTube as a marketing tool for your product or business
Having a sole source of income will leave you in a perpetual loop of middle class living at best.
See, it’s not just the risk, yes risk, of having a sole source of income that’s the problem, but also the counterproductive culture most wage earners ascribe to:
Borrow, borrow, and borrow some more
Keep up with the Jones’s
Use entertainment to numb yourself enough to go back to work on Monday
It’s a nasty trap.
If you want wealth, flexibility, whatever you call it, you need your money or effort to go to work for you at some point.
But how do you put in the work required to build these asset vehicles?
You Are Willing to Commit Years of Your Life
“All events of wealth are precluded by process, a backstory of trial, risk, hard work, and sacrifice. If you try to skip process, you’ll never experience events.” — M.J. Demarco
The thing about wealth pursuits? They’re slow. Super slow.
Not only that, but you make little to no money in the beginning.
I talk about this all the time on my YouTube channel. I should just rename it ‘exponential growth.’
All the great things in life compound:
Warren Buffet didn’t become a billionaire until he was in his 60’s. Those last 30 years or so of compounding took him to insane wealth.
Getting compounding to work is psychologically difficult:
Letting money just sit in an investment account for decades
Putting a half-decade into building profitable skills
Meticulously studying business, marketing, persuasion, and building your network.
I don’t have the exact number, but five years is my educated guess.
If you tinkered around with some form of business, freelancing, or investing for five years without quitting, something good will happen.
You’re Humble Enough to be a Student of Life
“Spend each day trying to be a little wiser than you were when you woke up. Day by day, and at the end of the day-if you live long enough-like most people, you will get out of life what you deserve.” — Charlie Munger
Ironically, broke people seem to be the most certain of everything. I recently watched an interview with Munger. What stood out most? Every time he wasn’t certain or near certain of an answer, he immediately defaulted to saying “I don’t know.”
Wealthy people are often much more intellectually humble than middle-class people. They have coaches, mentors, advisers, teams. They constantly soak in new information and never think they have everything figured out.
Watch this interview with Diddy and Ray Dalio.
Diddy, who has a net worth in the hundreds of millions, asks Dalio, his mentor, advice with a sincere level of humility. Diddy doesn’t have to listen to anybody and he could blow money until the day he dies, yet he treats knowledge with a level of respect most “content with what they have” types can’t fathom.
The only thing between most people and more money is knowledge.
There’s no grand conspiracy keeping you broke. It’s definitely not the fault of billionaires. If you don’t have money, it’s because you don’t understand money. If you don’t understand money, then learn how to understand it. Simple.
Just this week I’ve started to devour information about:
Real estate
Dividend stocks
Taxes (yes, boring-ass taxes)
Long and short term debt cycles
Asset allocation
I’m going to eventually move all of this knowledge into my “circle of competence.”
I don’t know much about any of the above, but I’ll learn. Just like I learned to make money on the internet with no prior experience and become a professional writer with no writing degree.
How? I read hundreds of books, watched thousands of hours of video, and practiced every day for five years.
Back to the point of time commitment. Spending a decade learning this stuff isn’t a problem for me. Why? Because I like to learn and I know that learning compounds.
If you’re willing to learn — books, podcasts, courses, YouTube videos — you can figure all of this out.
“Free education is abundant, all over the Internet. It’s the desire to learn that’s scarce.” — Naval Ravikant
I don’t understand how people who own smartphones with access to YouTube say they have no access to resources. B.S. YouTube is a goldmine — most people use it wrong.
At some point, you just have to admit you’re being lazy and…stop.
In the information age, there are no excuses.
You’re Good at Math
“Wake up! No one is going to save you. No one is going to take care of your family or your retirement. And no one is going to “make things” work out for you. The only way to do so is to utilize every moment of every day at 10X levels.” — Grant Cardone
If you’re good at math, you just know you need a lot of money. Yes, need.
You need millions of dollars to retire on time and successfully. Add in your kids and their financial future, the ability to have amazing experiences like travel, and the time to enjoy your life without needing to work all the time, and you’ll understand that making money is the only logical option.
Just look around and the way people live. The stress. You need more money than you have right now. More importantly, you need more flexibility and income-earning assets than you have right now.
If you’re young like me (30), don’t waste any more of your time. I can only imagine what it would feel like to be middle-aged or old with no money saved.
With a modest salary of $50,000 over a full work-life of say, 50 years (22–72), you will have made $2,500,000. To make all of that money and end up with little to none of it seems soul-crushingly sad and insane, but it happens. Thinking about it makes me sick.
See, it’s these people who claim to not care about money who care about it the most. They fuck up the math. They keep up with the Joneses their whole lives and level up their lifestyle as their income increases, piling up debt along the way.
Be smart.
Look at the math it takes to be successful and create a plan. Earn more money and keep your living expenses low. That’s the recipe. I’m “greedy,” but I drive a $2,500 car and live in a $1,300 two-bedroom while people who make less than me drive BMWs and have giant homes.
I’ve done the math. I’m fine to appear broke for this decade to be wealthy by the next one.
As Marshawn Lynch, who famously spent none of his NFL contract money and lived only off endorsements, said:
“Take care of yo chicken.”
Let the “content” people stay blind to financial literacy. Wait them out. They’ll see soon enough.
Stay humble, grind, reinvest in yourself.
It’ll all work out.
Build profitable skills with this free checklist — The Ultimate Guide to Discovering Your Natural Talents and Strengths. Learn how to become a top business 
Mr Ndubisi wisdom

The body and mind are incredible things. Miracles if you think about it. We live our lives in these spongy and somewhat ridged bags of flesh and sinew. We go about our day making the best use of our faculties.
But every now and again, a global pandemic hits, and you’re left confronting your body and mind’s limitations. Sometimes you just find yourself in a rut.
It doesn’t feel good to be in a rut. You might feel a bit flabby and a bit unmotivated. Nothing seems interesting and the thought of trying a new hobby sounds hard

Hard Work Isn’t Enough to Get You Noticed, You Need to Master Self-Promotion
Career advancement depends on what people think of you.
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Photo: Brooke Cagle/Unsplash
Contrary to popular belief, being promoted at work doesn’t just depend on how well you perform.
Whether or not you receive a promotion is influenced by your supervisor’s subjective perception of your ‘promotability.’ Their perception is heavily influenced by how you behave, specifically, on how well you self-promote yourself.
Career development tends to be presented as a rational process, whereby you should acquire the appropriate skills, knowledge, and experience if you want to enhance your chances of career success.
So it’s normal to feel confused when you fail to obtain the promotion you anticipated, having met the required criteria. But the reason could be that you’ve failed to self-promote yourself. …

A Beginner’s Guide to Making New Friends as an Adult
Tips to help you invest in your current friendships and foster new ones.
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Photo: Victoria Quirk/Unsplash
Graduating from college and entering official adulthood is hard. That’s the thing about adult life — the hardships are unending. One such difficulty is the loss of friendships.
It happens to us all. School friends and college friends slowly drift apart as people move on to settle in different states, countries, and sometimes even different continents. After my school ended, I moved to India for my further studies, while most of my friends shifted to the States or China. When I returned to Saudi Arabia, my new college friends remained in India. If I ever wanted to hang out, it had to be virtual, which could never beat the physical presence. Despite having a dozen awesome friends, they were scattered around the world... …
Read more · 7 min read

Sergey Faldin
·Oct 30
How To (Honestly) Not Give a Fuck About What People Think
I give way too many fucks about too many things.
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Photo: Indrajeet Choudhary/Unsplash
“We give too many fucks about things that are not fuckworthy,” Mark Manson would say. Here’s a guy who wrote an article and two books with the word fuck in the title. He shared stories about the fucks he has given — and the fucks he hasn’t. And the ones he didn’t give have “made all the difference.”
But how do you actually stop giving a fuck what people think? How do you relax, be yourself, and stop judging yourself too much? I’ve been reading Mark’s content for four years now — and I can’t find a decent answer.
The truth is, I give way too many fucks about too many things. I especially care about what people think of me. My therapist told me recently that this is one of my schemes — a neurobiological pattern imprinted in childhood (as it always is) that forces me to do shit where I seek other people’s approval. …

Watch what the Rich do not What there said

7 Things Rich People Advise But Never Do
Watch what rich people do, not what they say
Ndubisi wisdom.

The world is divided into two. There is the rich and the poor. The rich are those who have money work for them. The poor are those who work for money.
The picture of the poor in the eyes of many is the beggar by the street who can’t afford anything. But that is the extreme case of poverty. If you trade your time for money in the bid to afford the good things of life, you are not among the rich.
The middle-class is a category designed to soothe poor people who are hardworking. It is possible to join the rich from being in the middle-class. But it is quite rare. Remember, the true definition of the rich is someone who doesn’t work for money but money works for him. And of course, they make plenty of money.
You can work to have fulfilment. And everybody needs that. But if your primary motivation for work is the pay then, you are definitely still in the game of the poor. The key is to think differently about work, life, and money.
Our society glorifies rich people. They often get turned into thought leaders of some sort. Yes, it is true they might have some wisdom, but they often mislead the public. They give advice that they don’t follow or won’t follow.
If you want to be rich, don’t do what rich people say. Instead, watch what they do. Study their life stories. Look for the moments they made a big leap and see what they did and how they did it. This will tell you about the actual steps.
There are lots of advice rich people give that they don’t take or they never took. Here are 7 of them:
1. Save Money
The rich don’t save money. The reason they will tell you is that they have a lot of money so they don’t have to save. But that is not the real reason. The real reason is that saving money is not a smart financial decision.
Currently in Germany (as an example), you pay the bank to keep your money in it. They don’t pay you any interest. In other places, the interest is so low and the value of your money is depreciating way faster. So by the time you get back your money, it can do way less than what it can before you saved it.
The rich don’t save money. The rich invest money. They buy assets and investments. The only benefit of saving is the self-discipline it teaches. Be smart.
2. Reduce Spending
This sounds smart but it is just as bad as the advice to save money. When things are tough, the conventional advice is to reduce spending. There is only one problem. If you reduce spending, everybody will believe that you are now going broke. And that leads to another problem.
Business people become scared to do business with you. Nobody wants to jump on the same wagon with someone who is going down. Negotiating deals becomes unnecessarily difficult. They won’t expressly tell you why they are hesitant.
But if you throw an extravagant party or demonstrate wealth in some form, they flock to you with deals. This is the way of the wealthy. Only poor people cut down spending.
I have always thought about the reason wealthy people throw crazy expensive parties. It is not for anything but to show their strong hand in business negotiation.
3. Get Out Of Debt
Rich people don’t think the way poor people do. Poor people are trying to get out of debt while rich people are trying to get into more debt. To the poor, debt is a burden. To the rich, debt is a financial instrument.
Rich people use the money to make money. And where do you think they get the initial money they start with? From a job? Far from it! They get it from a loan. They get into debt.
The difference is that poor people use debts to purchase liabilities. And liability is something that doesn’t make money and depreciates with time.
4. Go To School
The higher number of super-rich people in the world are people who flunked school. Of course, they all had some form of schooling but they knew when to quit school. Those who keep going to school after school never break into the wealthy circles.
There are some schools where people go to for the association. But the majority of people keep learning and always afraid to turn the knowledge into something tangible in the real world. And best of all, there is no school like the real world.
In life, the experience is king. What you know by books is different from what you know by your experience. The real advice is to get in the real world and make mistakes. If you can read, write, speak and you have a basic knowledge of the skill you want to work with, I think you have had enough school.
5. Get A Job
Rich people don’t get rich by having a job. They do by having a business or investments. There is nothing wrong with having a job if that job is what you want. But when someone is advising you on going forward, they only tell you to get a job because they think you can’t stomach being on your own.
Rich people work to learn and be fulfilled. They work to get exposed to opportunities. The rich don’t work because they want money. If money is what you want, a job won’t give that to you.
6. Diversify
Except if the rich person is an investment expert, I can’t think of any rich person that diversifies. They all put all their eggs in one basket and guard it with an armoured tank. Warren Buffet said that, by the way. Those who diversify clearly don’t know what to do with money.
Rich people put their money in what they understand and have a reasonable amount of control over. Poor people are those who get enticed by the next big thing and the idea of diversification. People who deal in real estate don’t do stocks. Those who do stocks don’t do real estate (except when they are buying their own home).
This is the way true rich people are. But when giving advice to the general public novice, they tell you to diversify because you are not deeply knowledgeable in any area. So, it is the safest advice.
7. Take Vacations
The rich don’t go on vacation. There is always some business tied to the trip one way or another. They make vacations out of business trips. When they travel for leisure, their eyes are always opened for business opportunities in that area.
Poor people take vacations to run away from work. And they avoid thinking about anything related to work by all means. However, rich people can’t stop themselves from getting into business mode anywhere they go.
It is all about loving what you do for work.
There are a lot of other things rich people say but don’t do. But I have picked these because of their popularity.
I hope you have learned something.

Ndubisi wisdom
 Ndubisi wisdom

5 things that made us happy in 2020

5 things that made us Happy in 2020

As we say goodbye to 2020, we reflect on what made us happy this year. Plus, we’ll share our advice for keeping the good vibes going through the new year. 

5 things that made us happy in 2020 

Small business owners are resilient as h*ck
Support for small businesses is up
Together, we protected millions of trees
Shopify stores smashed BFCM records
Our communities are even stronger
1. Small business owners are resilient as h*ck
Illustration of a person doing a back bend and using a laptop upside downWe won’t lie: 2020 was exceptionally hard for small business owners. Some were forced to lay off staff, pivot their focus, or close their doors. Some may not reopen. But those who remain standing did so because of their resiliency and resourcefulness. 

We spoke to 84-year-old Nonna Nerina, who quickly pivoted her pasta-making classes to virtual learning after COVID decimated tourism in her Italian village. Canadian Katherine Gaskin did the same, taking The Content Planner’s workshops to Zoom. In Seattle, author and founder Moorea Seal closed her retail boutique but took time in isolation to reevaluate and focus on her true passion. And, when the founders of transgender swimwear brand RUBIES had to end their school postcard program, they shifted focus to corporate programs, staying true to their cause.

💪🏽 Staying strong in 2021
If your business survived 2020, keep up the great work. We’re rooting for you! If you’re starting over or starting from scratch in the new year, dive into some resources and stories to help you get unstuck and inspired:

Getting Unstuck: What to Do When You Don’t Know What to Do
Discover What Inspires You
Read Success Stories of Other Inspiring Business Owners
2. Support for small businesses is up
Illustration of ascending storefront doors placed on a graphYet another silver lining: support for small businesses has actually been bolstered by the pandemic. According to our research, 57% of buyers say they sought out local and independent businesses to support, and of that group, 34% did so more during the pandemic than earlier in the year. Of those who reported shopping locally, 79% cited supporting their communities or protecting local jobs as their reasons.

Consumer trends are also shifting toward supporting independent businesses as a way to make social or environmental statements with their dollars. In Shopify’s Future of Commerce report, we found that 49% of consumers respond positively to retailers who donate to a cause and 23% shop local or independent to reduce their environmental impact.

⛑️ Helping small businesses in the new year
Let’s keep the momentum going into 2021! We can all do our part by diverting our dollars away from massive chains directly into the hands of independent business owners. These folks, after all, are the heart of our communities. They help the local economy, create jobs, and provide inspiration and mentorship to the entrepreneurs of the future.

Looking for businesses to support? Start here: 

Read How to Support Small Businesses—with 100+ Gift Ideas to Get You Started
Browse picks from influencers in The Gift Better Guide
Download the Shop App to discover local and curated brands
Start your own small business in the new year with a 14-day free trial on Shopify
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Enter your email address
3. Together, we protected millions of trees
Woman carries shopping bags shaped like treesOur sustainable actions made a measurable impact toward protecting the planet in 2020. We introduced Shopify’s Sustainability Fund and launched Shop, a shopping discovery and package tracking app that also offsets emissions from every purchase made through Shop Pay.

At the time I’m writing this, the Shop community has protected 85,465,576 trees. On top of that, we announced that we were committed to offsetting emissions from every purchase made on Shopify stores over the BFCM weekend. The numbers are in! Through that effort, we offset nearly 62,000 tonnes of carbon emissions, the equivalent of carbon captured and stored by 80,970 acres of North American forests in one year.

🌳 Committing to sustainability in 2021
We launched Shopify’s Sustainability Fund this year, with plans to invest $5 million annually in promising solutions to fight climate change. If your goals for 2021 include making an impact within your own business, start here:

Turn on Shop Pay to enable offsetting for your customers’ purchases through Shop. 
Download the Offset app.
Get inspired by the stories of socially responsible companies
Read: Sustainable for the Long Term: 7 Ways to Stay True to Your Values—and Meet Customer Expectations
4. Shopify stores smashed BFCM records
Cursor pointer hand grasps a wad of paper currencyDuring BFCM, independent businesses on Shopify drove $5.1 billion in total sales (yes, that’s billion with a b)—a 76% increase over last year. Though the pandemic presented many challenges for small businesses, it’s clear that many persevered and collectively, they decimated past sales records for the BFCM weekend.

📈 Making BFCM 2021 even better
It might seem early to be talking about next BFCM (we know, we know, you’re still waist-deep in shipping this year’s orders). But it doesn’t hurt to plant the seed. Start preparing for the season earlier this year to account for the unexpected. If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that viruses do not care about your plans.

Dive into some resources to put your best foot forward in 2021:

The 27-Point Checklist to Prepare Your Store for Black Friday Cyber Monday
How to Plan a Creative (and Profitable) Black Friday Cyber Monday Promotion
24 Shopify Apps to Help You Sell Your Best This Black Friday Cyber Monday
5. Our communities are even stronger
There’s no question that shared experiences unite us. We’re all in this together, even while we are isolated and apart. And in crises like these, we mobilize and pool resources to help each other, whether it’s buying food for an elderly neighbor or calling friends to check in. In the business community, we saw the same spirit.

Small business owners invested profits and resources to help their communities. We spoke to these inspiring founders who stepped up for others in 2020:

Medical wear band FIGS donated 30,000 sets of scrubs to healthcare providers.
Canadian fashion and lifestyle brand Peace Collective ramped up its charitable efforts, donating meals to local food banks with all purchases from the brand’s Home Is collection.
Liezl of ArtGirlUprising ran virtual classes—at a loss—to help artists learn about the business side of art and support them through the pandemic. “It’s all about community building and allowing people to see each other,” she says.
The founder of Alivia launched her social impact brand in the middle of the pandemic. She found success in connecting people in the disability community through storytelling. The fashion brand also supports non-profits with every sale.
❤️ Keeping community close in the new year
In a year where we were all but cut off from our communities, we had to reinvent ways to connect. Community is more important than ever for brands—and that won’t change when the ball drops. Rally a community around your cause or story, engage 1:1 with your customers, and seek out existing communities where you can contribute meaningfully. 

Get started with tailored advice for building community for yourself and your brand. 

Take care of yourself—and each other
That’s it from us, folks. We’re off for some R&R, ready to bring you more insights and inspiring stories to help you grow thriving businesses in 2021. We hope you make time to do the same. From our families to yours, whatever and however you celebrate, happy holidays!

Illustrations by Pete Ryan

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