5 Steps To Being Rich
posted by Wisdom Ndubisi @ November 23, 2020
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4 Mindful Tips to Increase Your Productivity and Happiness
These four practices will help you maximize personal and professional growth by connecting these not-so-distinct parts of life.
Productivity is all about integration. Most people divide several aspects of their life into distinct categories and then find themselves short of time to allocate to each component.
No matter your goals or level of motivation, there are only 24 hours in each day. So when it’s all said and done, the amount of time you spend working towards your goals never feels like enough to make the progress you desire.
I know what it’s like to have a lot of things on your plate all at the same time.
Like the rest of you, I recognize what it feels like to have an exponential list of tasks to complete, pressure mounting from all directions, and the physical, mental and emotional fatigue that comes with trying to achieve your goals.
So, how can you both achieve your dreams, continue to climb the ladder at work, and maintain healthy relationships all while enjoying each moment?
The answer is simple: integrate.
Read the list below to discover four ways to integrate your life, achieve your goals, and increase productivity.
1. Maximize efficiency during transitions
The election’s over — stop wasting your precious time scrolling through social media.
Instead of getting frustrated and overwhelmed when you have too much to do and are failing to achieve your personal and professional goals, examine how you spend your time.
So often we numb ourselves and try to make ourselves feel better by playing games on our iPhones when we could be enriching our lives.
Short-term dopamine prevents long-term goals.
If you commute via a train or bus to work, you’d be surprised how quickly you can read a book when you use that time to read. If you drive, you’d be amazed at how much new information you can learn through audiobooks. And if you’re working from home, you’d be astonished by how effective your peace of mind can become if you practice mindfulness — even in brief moments.
When waiting in lines, stop opening social media apps, and start checking and returning email.
If you’re stuck in traffic, stop wasting energy getting angry at things you can’t control and start engaging in mindfulness meditation.
Take charge of your transitions and start adding value to your life.
2. Re-frame your tasks and responsibilities into opportunities for growth
Appreciate the challenge!
If you want to start getting things done, you need to stop complaining about how much is on your plate and start viewing each challenge as an opportunity for personal and professional growth.
Start gamifying your tasks.
Praise yourself each time you complete something — no matter how small. These small celebrations will help you build momentum and get more done each day.
While you may have more things to do than is realistically achievable, you can lesson the mental and emotional strain by focusing on how much you’ll learn from each task and how each small detail connects to your larger goals.
3. Integrate your professional and personal lives so they are no longer separate categories
For me, this involves choosing to read books that also help me become a better psychologist.
It means enjoying my exercise while improving my physical health and increasing my energy throughout the day. It means meditating for my mental health, which also improves my ability to focus for long periods of time. It means writing articles that bring me happiness and further my professional growth.
Make your personal goals fit into your professional goals.
Instead of thinking about your life as separate categories with no overlap, start finding ways to connect your various interests and goals into a common web so that when you’re doing one task for fun, you’re also adding value to your professional aspirations.
Integration takes time and practice, but the result is maximum productivity and greater enjoyment of each moment.
4. Know when to hit the reset button
Learning when to disconnect and recharge your mental, physical, and emotional batteries is one of the most valuable skills a productive individual can have.
As a cofounder psychologist, it’s all too common for high-achieving clients to run themselves into the ground and then wonder why their productivity is dropping and they aren’t getting enjoyment out of their lives anymore.
The truth is, you can only learn when to hit the pause button by pushing yourself and expanding your stamina.
At the same time, it’s important to listen to your intuition and your body when they say enough is enough. Sometimes the most productive thing you can do is take a few days off and start fresh.
Take charge of your life. Be mindful of transitions, re-frame your tasks, integrate your interests, and know when to pause. The more that you practice these skills, the greater your productivity will become.
12 Things Intelligent People Do That Normal People May Not Do.
1. They work smart, not hard: Intelligent peoples normally figure out smart and easier ways to solve their problems and by so doing, they do not work harder but smarter.
2. They exhibit self-control: Their level of self-control is always high. They comport and conduct themselves. They often look civilized and refined.
3. They are curious to know more: Intelligent people never stop learning. They are always yearning to acquire more knowledge.
4. They are sensitive: They always respond quickly to different situations and experiences. They often display paranormal sensitivity.
5. They meditate and talk to themselves: Intelligent people always contemplate and meditate.
6. They like listening to music: Music seems like food to the souls of intelligent people. They often reflect and ponder while listening to music.
7. They admit their mistakes: Intelligent people always admit their errors and also correct their mistakes.
8. They enjoy their own company: Intelligent people seems to enjoy their own company. Often thinking and ruminating about certain things.
9. They believe they don’t know much: For intelligent people, learning never stops. They understand that they don’t know much and always strive to learn.
10. They are creative: Intelligent people are always creative and are well skilled.
11. They like to teach others: Intelligent people always like to teach others because they believe that they learn while teaching others.
12. They are highly adaptable: Adapting to different situations, circumstances and conditions is not always a problem for intelligent people.
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A virtuous wife is a woman of worth, dignity, character and beauty. She does not dress to seek vain attention. She does not disrespect herself nor dishonor her husband by exposing her body in public. A virtuous wife does not dress indecently to entice, seduce or tempt the weak brother. She is a priceless jewel whose worth is not measure by outward adornment. From the grace of her aura to the swell of her hips, everything about her honors God. The simplicity of her style reveals the elegance of her character, and her entire wardrobe honors God. While she dresses elegantly, a virtuous wife doesn't strive for outward beauty that just turns men's heads towards her, she strives for inner beauty that turns men's hearts towards God. Her style is not determined by Hollywood but by the Holy Word. A virtuous woman doesn't just follow trends, she sets trends. She doesn't just follow glamorous models; she is a glorious role model. A virtuous wife in not a disgrace to her sisters or a snare to her brothers, a humiliation to her husband nor a dishonor to God. "Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies." Proverbs 31:10. By ndubisi wisdom
* Dreamers always see possiblity in all their endeavors.
* Dreamers see the end from the beginning.
* Dreamers rule the world because they cross bridges in their imaginations.
* Dreamers are risk takers they don't play life safe.
* Dreamers are willing to pay any price to reach their goals.
* Dreamers don't wait for perfect conditions before taking action.
* Dreamers see in pictures,talk in pictures and think in pictures.
* Dreamers don't have the time to doubt. They see the incredible.
* Dreamers succeed because they are passionate about their desires.
* Dreamers are ordinary people that do extra- ordinary things.
* Dreamers are common people that choose to live uncommon lives.
Now who are you to the world???
Remember the top..... is for dreamers.
1) Always remember your WHY & believe in others.
2) Strive for excellence....be the best among others.
3) Identify your strengths & weaknesses.
4) Have a long-term vision ( built to last)
5) Be willing to learn more skills daily & research more on your field.
6) Focus more on helping others to achieve more success.
7) Always ask the right questions on the right time from the right people.
8) Concentrate more on ur team benefits not on yourself.
9) Develop problem-solving techniques.
10) Be an entertainer not a preacher or instructor.
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People With These 4 Habits Don't Make Progress In Life. If You're One Of Them, You Need To Change!
Ndubisi wisdom Nov 8, 2020 7:48 AM
Have you ever asked yourself these 5 simple questions; am I where I am supposed to be? Am I moving towards achieving my dreams and fulfillment in life? Why is it that anytime it seems like I am starting to make huge financial progress, something will begin to go wrong, which will eventually lead me back to square one? Is there anything that I am doing wrong which is impeding my progress and success in life? If your answers to these questions are all negative, it means that you are still have a lot of work to do.
Your chances of making progress you desired in life depends on your mentality, your attitudes, habits and your physical inputs. Anybody that is ever going to make progress in life must have the right mentalities and attitudes which will propel him into the right direction. If you are tired of this bad condition you have been for so many years, it is very important that you take your time and read this article to the end and capture what will change your life forever.
Are you making any progress in your life
There are 4 Habits that impedes one's progress in life. Unfortunately most people have those habits without knowing, and they keep on beating about the bush looking for solutions to their problems without actually knowing that they are the cause of their own problems. This 4 Habits has been the demons that has caged a lot of promising men and women into one place, it is therefore very important that anybody with that 4 Habits should change it as soon as possible to avoid ending up being miserable in life.
Take a look at the 4 habits below:
1. Depending on what other people are doing instead of doing your own
Listen, no matter how helpful someone is to you, it shouldn't be the reason why you should depend on him, either financially or otherwise. Anybody that depends on their friends do not only hide his own talent but also blind his/her eyes from seeing how they can help themselves achieve what they want to achieve in life. Unfortunately most people of this generation have lost confidence in themselves and they believe they cannot achieve something without waiting for their friends, and that has been one of the things that hinders progress in life.
You need to start doing something by yourself
Get the message right, it doesn't mean that your friends can't help you financially or any other way to achieve success, or help you start a business, the message here is that the word DEPENDENCE shouldn't be in the picture. The day you embrace the word INDEPENDENCE and learn how to help yourself to achieve something big, that is the day your progress begins. Instead of depending on people to give you money to start big business, why not start as little as you can? Remember that your friends can dissapoint you but you're likely not to dissapoint yourself.
2. Waiting for big capital to arrive instead of starting with the little one you have
This particular habit has a lot to do with the number one above. The country and society we find ourselves is where hardship, suffering and poverty has eaten deep. People find it very difficult to get huge money to start their business unless they are able to get a loan or they are helped by their relatives. As a result of that, it is difficult for people to generate capital that is enough to start big business. As a result most people fold their hands and keep on waiting for big capital to arrive before they can set the ball rolling, and that has been one of the reasons why most of them don't make progress in life.
You need to start with the little one you have, or you might remain in poor condition all your life
As a person looking forward to make the money you desired and live a fulfilled life, it is very important that you know that you need to start a business as fast as possible. You need to know that if you start from the scratch, your business will gradually grow, which will eventually be at the top. It is better for you to start with that little capital you have and make the best use of it. If you fold your hands and continue waiting for when huge capital will arrive, just know that you are whiling away your time.
3. Working only physically while overlooking the mental aspect of business
This particular habit has been an hindrance to a lot of people from making progress in life. Like already said before, inasmuch as physical aspect is very important in business, it is very important that the mental aspects are not overlooked. As a matter of fact, working your ass out everyday without knowing where you are heading to, or what you will do with the money you're earning and how to spend it wisely, will not add much difference in your life. That is why business favors people who work smart than people who only work hard.
You need to switch on your brain do that it will help move your business to a greater level
Business needs the right mentality, the right mindset which will enable one make right choices, plan ahead of time, as well as be ready to face the challenges that will arise on the way to success. As a young businessman or woman eagerly looking forward to going far in life, it is very important that you know the role your brain needs to play in your business and your other future plans. If you only work yourself out everyday, you might be getting huge amounts of money from it, but the truth remains that the money won't last because you don't know what to do to be able to spend it wisely. Learn to work mentally as much as you work physically.
4. Failing to prepare for challenges that will be encountered on the way to business success
Most times, people tend to look more in the positive aspect of business than negative side. They forgot to understand that as far as business is concerned, there must be a time to make profit and a time to lose. That is why they don't prepare well for the period of loses, and that may ultimately bring their business down and rubbish all the finance and efforts they put into it. Challenges are part of business, business don't exist without them!
If you don't prepare for the challenges on time, it might destroy everything you have built
As a businessman that wants to succeed, of course every businessman want to succeed, it is very important to know that your business will experience challenges at one point in time. It might be financial challenges as a result of early loses, it might be challenges of inadequate working capacity because you are still beginning the business, or emotional or mental challenges as a result of running out of ideas. It is good that you know all that are likely to happen and prepare for them so that when they come it wouldn't be as disastrous as they would have been if they are not foreseen. Learn to plan ahead of time!
Do you have what it takes to climb the steps successfully
In conclusion, making progress in life all depends on the person. Before progress and success comes in, attitude, habits and mentalities must be right. These article has succeeded in pinpointing 4 Habits that hinders progress in life, it is very important that you take note of them and endeavor to change your habits accordingly. Since you so much want to progress and go far in life, acquire the wealth you desired and live a fulfilled life, ensure that you put the content of this article into practice. Don't be only readers, be doers too!
I wish you success in life!
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People With thesee 4 Habits Don't Make Progress In Life. If You're One Of Them, You Need To Change!
Ndubisi wisdom Nov 5, 2020 9:48 PM
Have you ever asked yourself these 5 simple questions; am I where I am supposed to be? Am I moving towards achieving my dreams and fulfillment in life? Why is it that anytime it seems like I am starting to make huge financial progress, something will begin to go wrong, which will eventually lead me back to square one? Is there anything that I am doing wrong which is impeding my progress and success in life? If your answers to these questions are all negative, it means that you are still have a lot of work to do.
Your chances of making progress you desired in life depends on your mentality, your attitudes, habits and your physical inputs. Anybody that is ever going to make progress in life must have the right mentalities and attitudes which will propel him into the right direction. If you are tired of this bad condition you have been for so many years, it is very important that you take your time and read this article to the end and capture what will change your life forever.
Are you making any progress in your life
There are 4 Habits that impedes one's progress in life. Unfortunately most people have those habits without knowing, and they keep on beating about the bush looking for solutions to their problems without actually knowing that they are the cause of their own problems. This 4 Habits has been the demons that has caged a lot of promising men and women into one place, it is therefore very important that anybody with that 4 Habits should change it as soon as possible to avoid ending up being miserable in life.
Take a look at the 4 habits below:
1. Depending on what other people are doing instead of doing your own
Listen, no matter how helpful someone is to you, it shouldn't be the reason why you should depend on him, either financially or otherwise. Anybody that depends on their friends do not only hide his own talent but also blind his/her eyes from seeing how they can help themselves achieve what they want to achieve in life. Unfortunately most people of this generation have lost confidence in themselves and they believe they cannot achieve something without waiting for their friends, and that has been one of the things that hinders progress in life.
You need to start doing something by yourself
Get the message right, it doesn't mean that your friends can't help you financially or any other way to achieve success, or help you start a business, the message here is that the word DEPENDENCE shouldn't be in the picture. The day you embrace the word INDEPENDENCE and learn how to help yourself to achieve something big, that is the day your progress begins. Instead of depending on people to give you money to start big business, why not start as little as you can? Remember that your friends can dissapoint you but you're likely not to dissapoint yourself.
2. Waiting for big capital to arrive instead of starting with the little one you have
This particular habit has a lot to do with the number one above. The country and society we find ourselves is where hardship, suffering and poverty has eaten deep. People find it very difficult to get huge money to start their business unless they are able to get a loan or they are helped by their relatives. As a result of that, it is difficult for people to generate capital that is enough to start big business. As a result most people fold their hands and keep on waiting for big capital to arrive before they can set the ball rolling, and that has been one of the reasons why most of them don't make progress in life.
You need to start with the little one you have, or you might remain in poor condition all your life
As a person looking forward to make the money you desired and live a fulfilled life, it is very important that you know that you need to start a business as fast as possible. You need to know that if you start from the scratch, your business will gradually grow, which will eventually be at the top. It is better for you to start with that little capital you have and make the best use of it. If you fold your hands and continue waiting for when huge capital will arrive, just know that you are whiling away your time.
3. Working only physically while overlooking the mental aspect of business
This particular habit has been an hindrance to a lot of people from making progress in life. Like already said before, inasmuch as physical aspect is very important in business, it is very important that the mental aspects are not overlooked. As a matter of fact, working your ass out everyday without knowing where you are heading to, or what you will do with the money you're earning and how to spend it wisely, will not add much difference in your life. That is why business favors people who work smart than people who only work hard.
You need to switch on your brain do that it will help move your business to a greater level
Business needs the right mentality, the right mindset which will enable one make right choices, plan ahead of time, as well as be ready to face the challenges that will arise on the way to success. As a young businessman or woman eagerly looking forward to going far in life, it is very important that you know the role your brain needs to play in your business and your other future plans. If you only work yourself out everyday, you might be getting huge amounts of money from it, but the truth remains that the money won't last because you don't know what to do to be able to spend it wisely. Learn to work mentally as much as you work physically.
4. Failing to prepare for challenges that will be encountered on the way to business success
Most times, people tend to look more in the positive aspect of business than negative side. They forgot to understand that as far as business is concerned, there must be a time to make profit and a time to lose. That is why they don't prepare well for the period of loses, and that may ultimately bring their business down and rubbish all the finance and efforts they put into it. Challenges are part of business, business don't exist without them!
If you don't prepare for the challenges on time, it might destroy everything you have built
As a businessman that wants to succeed, of course every businessman want to succeed, it is very important to know that your business will experience challenges at one point in time. It might be financial challenges as a result of early loses, it might be challenges of inadequate working capacity because you are still beginning the business, or emotional or mental challenges as a result of running out of ideas. It is good that you know all that are likely to happen and prepare for them so that when they come it wouldn't be as disastrous as they would have been if they are not foreseen. Learn to plan ahead of time!
Do you have what it takes to climb the steps successfully
In conclusion, making progress in life all depends on the person. Before progress and success comes in, attitude, habits and mentalities must be right. These article has succeeded in pinpointing 4 Habits that hinders progress in life, it is very important that you take note of them and endeavor to change your habits accordingly. Since you so much want to progress and go far in life, acquire the wealth you desired and live a fulfilled life, ensure that you put the content of this article into practice. Don't be only readers, be doers too!
I wish you success in life!
if you found this article helpful, kindly hit the like button below. Also share this article to your friends and family to benefit from it too.
Make your contributions using the comment section below.
If You Are Tired of Poverty, Do These 15 Things to Change Your Standard
Gfrydey Nov 2, 2020 3:31 PM
Look at this list of 15 things you don't know about, but they're going to change your life today! Hi, it's been an exciting week, and I'm very glad to have you guys with me for today's Inspiring Message, which will make things simpler for you. You may not know this, but there are less than 90 days until the end of the year, and we hope the lot of you have already shattered your year's targets. You would have respect and affection for us if you have done so. We had you and everybody else secured. Although this is not one of those types of cases in which in the last fifth you can just complete all your effort, that's not how genuine, permanent accomplishment expresses itself, so I'm going to give you a helpful substitute.
Here's a list of 15 things you can start doing right now to improve your life: But if the text lets you arrange something properly, let 's dive into this written masterpiece:
1. Read this Article until the End & Execute
Now, I'm not kidding. In the comments, it's not enough to read the list. It's not enough to offer a general impression of what you need to do. Alternatively, take yourself seriously for once and, when we go down the list, review the facts. Stop when you need to, take notes and then figure out how to keep working on this new-found insight if you have to. Many people think success is a miracle, but it's just planning and implementation! Do not brush off these as obvious to yourself, because they are not. Treat the list seriously and you'll learn the minor changes add up to it. By the conclusion of this article, you should have all the answers you need to make a considerable difference, so no more excuses!
2. Stop Expecting Others to Solve your Life for You
Does it feel impossible to change your life? Are you scared? Uh?-Uh? Uh? Stressed? Growing tired?
We all are! We all struggle with stuff, but only a handful want to get off the couch and do something about it. Chances are, you're going to put yourself in this nightmare you find yourself in, and no one can miraculously come down from heaven and make things right for you even though you haven't. You've been around for long enough to know that:
The shift just happens when YOU shift!
So, to have an open conversation with yourself, take this chance:
That are the greatest problems in your life right now?
If you push yourself, what can you handle practically?
Then make it a priority to get it done!
When disputes tend to mount up and spill on each other, we tend to get depressed, to a point where you feel paralyzed and do not want to deal with them anymore, wishing they're all going to go down.
The truth is that they aren't ... They're just getting stronger. Yet, chances are, you've got what it takes to at least solve all of them.
SMALL Launching! And build momentum! Sooner rather than later, you will find that improving one domino at a time in your life is easy.
Speaking of cleaning:
3. Clean Up your House
Do you want to do something today that will change your life for the better? Keep the planet safe. Start with your desk, then your room, and then your whole home. There's a sense of pride as you look back, and how much order you put into the chaos to reinforce the life that was before. You feel comfortable and your actions are deliberately changing life for the better. Deep down, we all prefer order to chaos, and cleaning up your home is just the first step that gets you going in the right direction! What will I clean for myself next? With this state of mind and this initial triumph, you're primed for more.
4. Quit Sugar, Oil & Bread
It would be a blow to the system as a whole. You are addicted to refined sugar and don't even know it. You're going to eat so much fast food waaaaay if you have nutritional problems and weight gain medications, and if you're dealing with body fat issues, it's not that you're big boned or that your genes make you fat:
You're just filling your stomach with too much-fried food into a hollow. I get it, exercise is hard, maybe it rained one-day last week and that's the only day you felt motivated to go running ... Scientifically speaking, it is more difficult to follow a new trend than to begin to sustain an existing one.
Drink water instead of soda.
Get a salad instead of fries.
Go for more water and supplements rather than bread or pasta.
"If with these changes you instantly brute force your body, it's going to fight back, you're going to feel exhausted, unmotivated, and maybe even grumpy; but whenever you make the right option for yourself, you're going to get a little smirk on your face and feel like," Holy smoke, I'm back at this engine's wheel, I'm calling my body. Don't you get sick of the same stuff you know isn't healthy for you to eat?!
Next to the holy trinity over there, you should start paying attention to salt and the quantity of alcohol you put in.
Here is the secret to being only a bit healthier than you are right now:
Too much junk food by eating more water & drinking!
It is indeed that simple.
Drink some water right now! We're there waiting!
5. Start Reading a Good Book
Or one that inspires you to at least be better than you are now. You haven't read plenty yet and that shows! You will remember that you are enjoying yourself and your time even more when you read. Exposing yourself to other peoples' journeys helps you to acquire wisdom from their viewpoints. You get richer with every book you read! I strongly recommend that you pick up: CAN'T HURT ME, by David Goggins, if you would like a direct recommendation,
6. Reach Out to an Old Friend you Haven’t Spoken to in a While
Remember that you thought like together you would change the world, nor did the world change you?! Partnerships break down because you don't sustain them. Not for sick blood or whatever, they just do, so we slip apart by being more and more absorbed in the trivialities and struggles of everyday life. One letter or phone call will rekindle a dying relationship. For now, do it and see what it was they were up to. No need to be fancy, just let them know you were thinking about them. This signals that the relationship is fun. Even, if you feel like it, you might take him or her out for drinks or food. You can not believe just how amazing it feels when you reconnect with someone you have once vibrated with and it can enrich your life.
7. Limit your Social Media and Entertainment Intake
This may sound stupid, but our whole marketing model relies on you seeing our content in all our media channels. You want to be inspired on YouTube, by our Instagram quotes at Alux, talk to us about Twitter habits, and whatever we share on Facebook ... It's a smart decision to make, though. The first and last thing people do these days in their lives, I've discovered, is social media scanning. They don't get out of bed. For the first 30 to 45 minutes of their day, they keep scrolling, looking at this fake universe that people show in their profiles. They do the same thing later, when night falls.
Look at the way we live!
It wants to fill everything with what feels like empty time, with everything that, regardless of what it is, breaks humanity apart. People are binging buddies on the 3rd or 4th time ... No wonder most people refuse to realize who they are, what they're curious about, or what they're going to do about their lives, so they never answer these questions at all. With a pre-recorded joke, you get dazzling colors at the expense of who you are! Cut social media to 30 minutes a day so you're left with yourself, 30 more for movies, and see how your life changes.
8. Make a Plan for Tomorrow
...And then the day that followed ... For the next week ... And so on. Are you sure that there's nothing you're doing to better your life? Or why are you not getting any more done? That's because you don't plan to do what you can do. For a brief while, you just have a vague understanding of what you plan to do. The new plan is there! Wishful thought is taken to the world of reality. Tomorrow, let's start! Create a timeline for yourself to plan your day out. Try to be precise.
Make sure to do certain stuff that you have been postponing; if you feel like it, at the end of the day, you can even include the 30 minutes of social media and the 30 minutes of TV as a treat. Find a time slot to listen to the audiobook you have just downloaded or read a few pages. The moment you begin preparing your day, you are taking care of time! This is because, in the same 24 hours of the day as anyone else, super-effective people will do so much.
9. Wake Up at the Same Hour Every Day
Going to bed early has the effect of letting you get up a little earlier than expected to manage some of the tasks before you normally get up on your timetable for the day. Hey, we are huge proponents of reducing sleep time to a 7-hour night limit. Even though we used to think ourselves night owls, we knew that productivity usually collapsed after 11 pm, no matter how hard we tried to protect it. Waking up at the same hour every day, normally 7 am, encourages us to do more before 12 than the average worker does in a typical 9-5 job; let us focus on something we think that brings value to our lives with 12 more hours. If we have so much on our mind, we can even rejoin the 5 AM club, but in our experience, working on only 5 hours of sleep each night is not a feasible plan.
10. Meditate for 20 Minutes
You know that 4 out of 5 people have regular meditation rituals in their lives, right? This isn't a coincidence. Meditation isn't magic, it's like cleaning up your room, just inside your brain. In your thoughts, it makes it possible for you to be more coherent and discover fresh answers that give value to you; and the best part is just 20 minutes. Via mediation, you recover control over your emotions. People try to push the buttons, but now the story is being distorted by you. You're much more aware of how you're adapting to what's going on right now and how you can shift your life to a happier state than before, and if you do that long enough, you're going to find secrets that you never thought have been hidden in yourself before.
It has been a game-changer for ourselves and other elite members of our society. Now, without any bullshit, you are just going to learn how to meditate productively, but we will be your guide to finding solutions to the problems you are dealing with.
11. Figure out Where you’re Wasting Money
If this paper is regulated by one general law, it's Control! Because authority is authority. Your ability to better your life is what makes it amazing, otherwise, you're just trapped, going through the motions, dancing to whatever tune you play. Power gains from realizing what's happening! The more you get to understand what's happening around you, the more leverage you have to change it. Let's get your money under control now, so having a decent idea of what's going on is the first step. How much money are you making & where is it going? If you ever start monitoring your spending, you'll be shocked at how bad you are with cash. Soon, you will find opportunities to make your spending habits more effective, and this is the first time you have surplus cash for some of you.
What you do with it is what makes all the difference!
12. Identify One Way you Can Earn More
Since the title of this article is about things you can do right now that can make your life better, let's take a couple of minutes and think about your savings. You're either an employee or a business director. Anyway, we want you to start thinking about how you might get more money at home.
It's pretty easy for workers:
Ask to have a boost! It has been a long time since you had one, and chances are that the workload has increased since then. If that's the case, find the right time and click for a 20 percent raise. Everyone understands this now, so if the worker does well, employers will accept a rise of 10 to 20 percent a year, merely because it would take more time to recruit and train someone else.If you don't think you need a raise, go to his or her office and let them know that you're involved in earning money and that you should take on more roles, they're sure to be able to jump to the opportunity to give you more work. For business managers, it's a little more creative, but it usually falls into one of the following hats:
Up-selling your potential buyers to
Better campaigns to pull in new consumers
For a certain segment of the market, establishing a new deal
Think about each of these three things for a minute.
You can also take a look at what you are doing now if all this fails to figure out if you can do it more effectively and raise more while cutting costs. Consider versatility in automation and length.
Hope this helps!
13. Identify What Makes you Happy and What Doesn’t
Most people never take a minute of their life to think about this fundamental issue, so congratulations. In all honesty, you might be the first person in your family to sit down and think about the way you see life. Only write a list! Write down the things that you do that gives you happiness and enjoyment. Write them down. Then do the same for things that don't make you happy, and less for things that you like to do.
Look at this collection now for a better look!
In the first column, the trick to winning lives is to do more things, while in the second column, fewer things. Don't softly brush this off, it's usually the simple stuff that makes all the difference, like writing them down. The moment you plan to bring them down on paper, you will know that it's harder than it seems because, to get to the positive stuff, you have to be realistic and dig into yourself! In the end, you're left with a simple reflection of what you can reach for.
14. Keep Track of your Goals
At the beginning of the year, you set those goals for yourself. What went on with them? Did you miss them? How much did you hit? How far do you go for the remaining ones?
What you can calculate can only be improved!
You should know what went wrong for some of them and what went right with others by monitoring your progress. You should continue with this kind of research if you want to do something today that will enrich your life. With less than 6 months left to post this article in 2020, you will face another "New Year New Me" situation, and because you want to replay what happened this year, you will want to properly consider your previous actions. Well, yeah, we know it sounds like work, but you're just going to make a positive difference by real work, so stop complaining!
15. Write Down 5 Things you Wish to Accomplish in the Medium Term
Now that you have measured and got a decent sense of why you have failed to accomplish your goals, you will begin to focus on what's ahead of your life. We want you to find 5 priorities that can be reached, no more, no less, in the next 6 months. Don't go nuts. If your net was 50 K last year, in the next 6 months, you're not going to make the first million. Now, focus on realistic stuff that could influence your life. Like taking the kids to the movies once a week, reading 1 book for 6 months a month, sending more duties for jobs, and then receiving the bonus, etc. Anything which brings sense to you.
Write these five on a sheet of paper and put them above your desk so that each time you go to work you are reminded of them. For those of you who have never accomplished their goals before in their life, I am working on something incredible. It's our new premium experience called Goal Mastering, in which we're going to teach the same framework to maximize the life that the most efficient people in the world schedule their whole year and how they're going to reach each of them consistently. For the last 8 years, I have been using this device myself and we have always met our standards without fail.
In all the fifteen, which ones can you add today? Leave your answers in the comments and we will be sure to send some extra inspiration to those of you who love and connect with u.
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By NDUBISI WISDOM Your success coach
(If you want to be Rich stop focusing on your salary)
Excellent advice, but be careful not to value all your time with a price tag. Invest in other non-tangibles such as your health, happiness, and friendships and you’ll be miles ahead of everyone who is just looking for the next quick buck.
Interesting read and some useful tips.
But the question that comes to mind is -
why and for what cost?
People need to start with that, before they are getting carried away and tempted with making money.
If you don’t find a way to make money while you sleep you’ll work until you die”
Warren Buffett
OK, this is written by someone who hasn’t made it. So why are we listening to you?
Not really a lot ground-breaking here. I’m also not sure that some of the things you are spending your time on will have the slightest effect of making you rich e.g…...
Read Mor
Yes, multiple income streams are a much better approach than trying to tweak monthly salary. I like the portfolio approach you suggested and I practice it as well. Multiple clients, multiple types of engagement, mixing passive and active income.
If your ambition is to be average, then that mindset is fine.
That is so dope line for motivating someone and do the work.
he one who is richest is not the one with the most. It’s the one who needs the least.
If You Want To Be Rich, Stop Focusing On Your Salary (Do This Instead
How do the rich get richer?
Over the past four months I’ve gained a newfound understanding of self-worth.
I used to break down my money into two categories; salary and savings. The process was very simple. To make an income, I provided my time and skills in exchange for money. I would then keep a percentage of my bi-weekly paycheck for myself and put the rest of it into a savings account.
The truth is, that this is how you make good money. It’s not how you make great money.
In his New York Times bestseller The 4-Hour Workweek, Tim Ferriss explains why being the second-lowest paid person at his company persuaded him to start BrainQUICKEN LLC on the side and slowly build it up. This venture turned his 40k per year into 40k per month.
Had Ferris stayed complacent with his single source of revenue, and focused all of his energy on climbing the corporate ladder, he never would have become the entrepreneurial icon we know today.
The key to making more starts with a higher level understanding of wealth, and the two different ways we define income.
The First
is active income. This is your full-time salaried or part-time hourly job. It also umbrellas side hustles like freelance work, Uber driving, Fiverr gigs, etc. It is the process of trading your time for money.
The Second
is passive income. These are earnings that may not require as much hands on work, including investing, real estate, e-commerce, royalties, etc. This allows you to have some financial flexibility outside of your 9–5, without having to necessarily be present to reap the benefits.
The Secret To Financial Success Is..
understanding how to build up multiple revenue streams combining both active and passive income.
A lot of people settle on their career salary, or sit on it for a decade before making a move. If your ambition is to be average, then that mindset is fine. But to be in the top tier of wealth, you need to start figuring out different ways to make money simultaneously.
Image for post
Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash
Right now I am operating on 4 income streams:
Full-Time Marketing job
Medium Partner Program
Freelance Writing
Savings Investments
By the end of 2020 I hope to have added at least 4 of the following to that list:
Personal training
Paid surveys
Business or real estate investing
Robo adviser investing (Betterment, Acorns)
Book sales
Ghost writing
Educational webinars
On their own, these income sources are good, but rather modest. When combined, they elevate me to a different level of success.
Ashton Kutcher is a great example. You may know him as the famous film/television star. He’s had a respectable career and made a lot of money. But even if he never received another movie role again, Kutcher would still be wealthier than 99% of the world due to his diversified portfolio of revenue streams. Since the early 2000’s he’s owned a production company, invested in tech startups, and formed a venture capital firm.
Wealth is more than money. It is a series of learned strategies and behaviors.
“If we command our wealth, we shall be free; if our wealth commands us, we are poor indeed”- Ndubisi wisdom
In Conclusion
This process won’t happen overnight. I’m sure most people reading this don’t have more than a few income streams yet.
If you do, fantastic. You’re already on the path to a wealthier future.
If not, don’t panic.
Even if you only have one that’s fine. Your goal should be to get the ball rolling on researching the opportunities that exist out there to make more money.
Start with something easy like investing a small percentage of your paycheck. Over time you can build out different income streams until your side earnings are matching your salary. Then push for more.
The difference between those who START and those who NEVER START is COURAGE.
The difference between those who make PROGRESS and those who don't is CONSISTENCY.
The difference between those who GIVE UP and those who GO ON is PERSISTENCE.